Media Release


July 12, 2019

Rainy Weather Fails to Dampen the Spirit of Community at Silk Road Festival

Vancouver, BC – It is the thread that binds, the ancient road that connected communities across land and water.  On July 6 and 7, the  šxʷƛ̓ənəq Xwtl’e7énk Square (Vancouver Art Gallery, North Plaza) was abuzz with sights, sounds and tastes of the Silk Road as businesses and groups representing communities from Asia to Europe gathered to showcase their cultures.

The rain over the weekend did not dampen the ‘Spirit of Community’.  Braving the cold and wet weather, festival goers poured in to the plaza for the two-day festival to enjoy dazzling performances, sample delicious cuisines and discover technology, travel places, arts and crafts of different countries.

The Honourable George Chow, Minister of State for Trade officiated the festival opening joined by dignitaries, foreign consulate officials, politicians, festival partners and supporters.  Emcee Lien Yeung, award-winning multimedia host and producer of CBC Vancouver News charmed the audience with her sense of humour.

Captivating and Colourful

Exciting acts and colours painted the main stage as the Silk Road performances meandered their way from China through Central Asia, Persia to Europe and beyond.  Qiu Xia He and Andre Thibault of Silk Road Music introduced their opening act with their musical fusion of Chinese, Celtic, Latin, Arabic, Aboriginal, jazz, and blues.

Eager crowds armed with cameras huddled under canopies to capture the colours and dances presented by some of Vancouver’s renowned performing arts companies including the Vancouver Cantonese Opera, Rosario Flamenco, Adalat Omar Dance Company, Scandinavian Dancers of Vancouver and Fame Dance Group.

Rosario Flamenco dancers captivated the crowd with their riveting music, stomping feet and swaying skirts.  The Russian Community Centre Yablochko Dancers wowed audience with their Central Moscow dances.  Sampan Bujana Sentra flew in from Indonesia to showcase their intriguing Balinese and Javanese dances.   On the Kamanche,Tonbur, Daf and Dayere instruments was the Persian musical group, Chakameh .

Flavours of the Road

Food continues to play a big part on the Silk Road.  Chinese, Indian, Indonesian, Italian, Israeli, Japanese, Middle Eastern, Spanish and Thai were among some of the featured cuisines.

Presenters include culinary experts from local restaurants and communities such as The Federation of Pugliese Social Clubs of British Columbia.  Serving the best of Vancouver’s flavours on wheels were Out for Lunch, Mr. Arancino, Bocao Spanish Tapa, I Love ChickPea and JAPADOG.

At the Travel and Technology Hub, Neil Squire Society showcased and explained some of the different solutions for people with disabilities and other barriers to their work related activities.   Personal Travel Management travel expert shared insights on travel to Mongolia and other Silk Road destinations.

Award-winning artisans came as far as Uzbekistan and India to showcase their crafts.  Visitors were treated to ceramic demonstrations by local Korean Celadon master potter Junghong Kim.

Acknowledgement and Appreciation

Thank you all who came to support and make this one-of-a-kind festival a success.  Appreciation goes to Partners: MOSAIC, City of Vancouver, CBC Vancouver, Translink,  Vancity, Vancouver Sun,  GlobalEAT, Texana Premium Rice, Afghan Horsemen Restaurant, Groovy Yurts;  Supporters: Italian Cultural Centre, Craft Council of British Columbia, Vancouver Inter-Cultural Orchestra and Confcommercio Impress Per L’Italia – Province of Cuneo;  Exhibitors, Performers, Presenters, as well as to businesses that placed ads in the souvenir program and dedicated volunteers for their time and hard work.

We also like to extend their appreciation to all the media outlets who publicized the festival through their channels and publications including Shaw Multicultural Channel, Il Marco Polo and Fairchild TV.

The Silk Road Festival opens a window to the wonderful treasures of Canada’s rich and diverse communities.  As Premier John Horgan said, “Our lives are enriched every day by the inclusive, multicultural province we are so lucky to live in.”  Rain or shine, the festival is a catalyst for greater ‘Spirit of Community’ to flourish.

About Silk Road Festival

The Silk Road Festival ( theme is to Bridge Cultures, Engage Communities and Inspire Discoveries.  The festival aims to enhance intercultural appreciation and community interaction, inspire travel and technological discoveries with ancient Silk Road aspirations.  The two-day outdoor multicultural festival features cultures and exchanges between East and West on the world’s famed historic trade routes through arts, food, travel and technology.


For further information, contact
North America Asean Consultants Inc.

T: 604.676.8878 |




BC省溫哥華  –「絲綢之路節(絲路節)」即將在7月6及7日兩天,於市中心心臟地帶之溫哥華藝術館盛大舉行。位于北廊的šxʷƛ̓ənəq Xwtl’e7énk 廣場是聚集絲綢之路的景物、聲色及美味和激起閣下觀能感應的地點。展示印證追思著名歷史性貿易線絡上的東西交流與文化薈萃,正是絲路節的主題。


總理Justin Trudeau予大會的來函中說道:「多得絲路節這類的節日與活動,提醒我們多元化正是加拿大的最強力量!」

「我們何其幸運,BC省接納包容多元文化,讓每一天都活得更豐盛。絲路節便是不同文化知識和物資融滙交流的好例子。」BC省長John Horgan表示。

由北美東南亞聯盟顧問社(North America Asean Consultants Inc.)主辦,規模最大之加拿大移居協助組織之一MOSAIC 協辦,絲路節歡迎各屆朋友坊眾參與,更是一個合家歡樂的周末好活動。

「一如絲路節,MOSAIC 同樣將不同的族裔與文化帶往一條令居民家庭和社區均和睦豐潤的路途上。」MOSAIC 董事會主席Dr. Christian Duff說。


溫哥華市長Kennedy Stewart.亦表示:「溫哥華是一個精力充沛的多元多姿城市,將不同的文化和諧地融入加拿大的大同精神中。保持並慶祝民族習俗及藝術是重要的,讓溫市的居民住在這裡便可學習及認識到不同族裔的生活文化。」



跺腳跳躍和旋轉的裙子能引發激情,亦能加強觀感及聽覺享受。絲路節舞台上的表演藝人計有: Silk Road Music、 Vancouver Chinese Opera、 Flamenco Rosario、Russian Yablochko Dancers、 Adalat Omar Dance Company 和 Persian Fame Group.。

大會更請來著名的得獎舞蹈團 – Scandinavian Dancers of Vancouver在表演臺上大展身手。挪威愛士堡沉船的發現早便顯示著遠至北極以外對絲綢一樣鍾愛。

絲路上飄送著的樂音引發起踏步舊日貿易主道的意慾。可不用像當年的商隊把行李貨物軑在駱駝上在禁閉的沙漠中移行,只要向駐守「旅遊及科技坊(Travel and Technology Hub)」內的旅遊專家查詢,他們都樂意免費提供及安排一個為你而設的難忘絲路假期。

專程來自烏斯本基士坦(Uzbekistan)的Sanjar Nazarov 是獲取聯合國教科文組織頒發「優越印鑒獎項」的刺繡大師,將會親臨工藝場(Artisan Pavilion)示範古典的布卡拉金繡針刺技巧。在中亞洲,此繡金技術向來傳男不傳女。另一位同樣著名的工藝大師乃韓國龍泉青瓷陶塑家Junghong Kim,溫哥華博物館去年秋季曾展覽過他的作品。

讓絲路活色生香的美食Taste that kept the Silk Road alive

美味食品乃任何節日的靈魂元素。跟據華盛頓郵報的一篇「The Flavor of the Silk Road」報導,道上的食品本便是是絲綢路的動脈。溫哥華市內的著餐館The Afghan Horsemen、Ashiana Tandoori 及SalaThai Thai 會在場中示範地道的烹飪與飲食文化。


絲綢之路節的合作夥伴有Mosaic,溫哥華市政府、溫哥華加拿大廣播社、 Translink 、Vancity, GlobalEAT及溫 Vancouver Sun。


絲綢之路節 ( 的主題是築搭文化橋樑、伸展社區關聯和激引發掘潛能。絲路節藉追溯絲綢古路的熱衷,來加強與欣賞文化交流及鼓勵社區互動,推動旅遊活動和科技研掘。為期兩天的大型戶外活動將世界聞名的歷史貿易路線與中外東西交融為宗旨,藉著手工藝術、美食烹調、旅遊及科技繽紛地展示出來。


Agnes Chung | North America Asean Consultants Inc.

T: 604.676.8878 ext. 2 |


June 25, 2019

Silk Road Festival brings ancient trade routes to life

Vancouver, BC – Invigorate your Senses and Experience the Sights, Sounds and Tastes of the Silk Road this July 6 & 7 at the šxʷƛ̓ənəq Xwtl’e7énk Square (Vancouver Art Gallery, North Plaza) in the heart of downtown Vancouver.   The Silk Road Festival features cultures and exchanges between East and West of the famed historic trade routes.

The FREE two-day fun-filled festival will showcase vibrant folk dances, enchanting music, action-packed martial arts, unique arts and crafts, tasty cuisines, fascinating travel and technology spanning from Asia, Africa to Europe and beyond.

“Events such as this one remind us that diversity is our greatest strength,” states Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in his festival program message.

“Our lives are enriched every day by the inclusive, multicultural province we are so lucky to live in.  The Silk Road is a fantastic example of cultures coming together to exchange valuable goods and knowledge,” remarks B.C. Premier John Horgan.

The family-friendly festival is produced by North America Asean Consultants Inc. in collaboration with MOSAIC, one of Canada’s largest settlement organizations.

“Like the Silk Road, MOSAIC also connects diverse people and cultures along a path leading to the enrichment of families and community,” says Dr. Christian Duff, chairperson of MOSAIC Board of Directors.

Vancouver’s connection to the Silk Road dates back to the heydays of the Canadian Pacific silk trains. Between 1887 and the late 1930s, locomotives loaded with bales of precious raw silk from the Far East rumbled out of Vancouver’s port bound for the silk mills in New York.  The silk runs are history, but the strategic position of Vancouver as the crossroads between East and West continues to flourish.

“Vancouver is a vibrant, multicultural city that embraces many cultures into the Canadian mosaic.  It is important for ethnic groups to continue to maintain and celebrate their heritage and art forms, so that all Vancouverites may learn about the many cultures in our city,” writes Vancouver Mayor Kennedy Stewart.

Award-winning artists

Stomping feet and swaying skirts will evoke passion and energize your visual and audible sense. Among the artist groups performing on the main stage are Silk Road Music, Vancouver Chinese Opera, Flamenco Rosario, Russian Yablochko Dancers, Adalat Omar Dance Company and Persian Fame Group.

On stage are also award-winning dancers from the Scandinavian Dancers of Vancouver.  Discovery of the Oseberg burial mound in Norway revealed the penchant for silk reached beyond the Arctic Circle.

The alluring music of the Silk Road will make you want to travel the ancient trade routes. You won’t have to lug your luggage across forbidden deserts as the caravan traders did on their camels.  Ask onsite travel experts for free advice to plan a memorable trip at the Travel and Technology Hub.

Direct from Uzbekistan is UNESCO Award Seal of Excellence master embroiderer Sanjar Nazarov. Nazarov will showcase the ancient art of this needlework with his beautiful Bukhara gold embroidery at the Artisan Pavilion.  Historically, this tapestry work is purely a man dominated craft in Central Asia.  Joining Nazarov is Korean Celadon master potter Junghong Kim whose works were featured at the Museum of Vancouver last fall.

Taste that kept the Silk Road alive

No festival is complete without food.  In fact, it was food that kept the Silk Road alive, cited The Washington Post article on The Flavor of the Silk Road.  Some Vancouver renowned restaurants including The Afghan Horsemen, Ashiana Tandoori and SalaThai Thai Restaurant will demonstrate the authentic flavours of their cultures.

The Silk Road Festival is an ideal platform to connect with cultures beyond your own.  Explore, experience and bask in the rich diversity of what makes Metro Vancouver such a unique and desirable destination.

Proud partners of the Silk Road Festival include MOSAIC, City of Vancouver, CBC Vancouver, Translink, Vancity, GlobalEAT and Vancouver Sun.  More info:

About Silk Road Festival

The Silk Road Festival ( theme is to Bridge Cultures, Engage Communities and Inspire Discoveries.  The festival aims to enhance intercultural appreciation and community interaction, inspire travel and technological discoveries with ancient Silk Road aspirations.  The two-day outdoor multicultural festival features cultures and exchanges between East and West on the world’s famed historic trade routes through arts, food, travel and technology.


For further information, contact
North America Asean Consultants Inc.

T: 604.676.8878 |


May 22, 2019


Experience the Ancient Silk Road in Vancouver This Summer


Vancouver, BC – Metro Vancouverites are in for a treat this summer as the inaugural Silk Road Festival kicks off on July 6 at the  šxʷƛ̓ənəq Xwtl’e7énk Square (old name: Vancouver Art Gallery, North Plaza) in downtown Vancouver.  The first-of-its-kind festival in Canada, the theme is to bridge cultures, engage communities and inspire discoveries.

The FREE two- day festival set for July 6 and 7 will feature a diverse style of visual and performing Silk Road arts spanning from Asia, Africa to Europe and beyond.  Explore the bazaar filled with colourful arts and crafts, food and beverage, travel and technology with roots in the ancient Silk Road.

The world’s most iconic network of antiquated trade routes symbolizes the legacy between East and West.  A contribution of many civilizations, the Silk Road paved the way to global trade; rich cultural, scientific, technological and religious exchanges, and shaped our interconnected world today.

The family-friendly, outdoor festival is produced by North America Asean Consultants Inc. in collaboration with MOSAIC, one of Canada’s largest settlement organizations.

Slated to showcase at the festival are award winning artisans and performers from Central Asia as well as local talents representing various Silk Road countries.  More details will be released in the coming month.

Are you proud of your heritage?  Express your culture through the Silk Road Fashion Contest and participate for a chance to win cash prizes valued at $1,000.  Registration opens May 25.  No purchase necessary.

Experience the ancient Silk Road! Mark your calendar for an exciting and fun weekend this July 6 and 7! We ask that any group or organization interested to showcase their rich cultural heritage or take advantage of the traffic and business that can be generated by our festival, to reach out to us at  More info:

About Silk Road Festival

The Silk Road Festival ( theme is to Bridge Cultures, Engage Communities and Inspire Discoveries.  The festival aims to enhance intercultural appreciation and community interaction, inspire travel and technological discoveries with ancient Silk Road aspirations.  The two-day outdoor multicultural festival features cultures and exchanges between East and West on the world’s famed historic trade routes through arts, food, travel and technology.


For further information, contact
North America Asean Consultants Inc.

T: 604.676.8878 |

How the Rule of Three Makes Your Holiday Season More Meaningful

One is brilliant, two is awesome, but three is magical, so share the magical moments this holiday season

Vancouver, BC (December 13, 2018) – All good things come in threes.  From the love, hope and joy of the season to the Christmas story of the three Wise Men who supposedly travelled the ancient Silk Road before it became a global super highway.

To make this holiday season more meaningful, give yourself and others grace, reach out to newcomers and support charity.

Spread Grace All Around

In the busyness of the holiday season, you hurry to finish your last minute shopping and prepare dinner parties, neglecting to care for yourself.  Give yourself some grace, relax and enjoy the magic of the season without fretting over the perfect gift or dinner.  Drink responsibly and safely.

We often rush through our days with our eyes and ears plugged to devices, ignoring who are around us.  For some in our community, the holiday season can be a difficult time, being alone with no family or friends.

A new study released earlier this fall said Vancouver and Toronto are the unhappiest cities in Canada. Isolation and lack of ‘physical’ social interaction often leads to societal problems especially in our techno-centric world.  Loneliness is not only felt among seniors and youths, but also new immigrants and refugees.  Extend grace to others.

Reach Out to Newcomers

Invite a newcomer for a meal.  Break down barriers and enhance newcomers’ sense of belonging in the community so they can participate more fully in community life.

This brings to mind Yale professor Valerie Hansen’s quote about the contribution of immigrants to their new country in her book, The Silk Road: A New History.

“The most influential people moving along the Silk Road were refugees. Waves of immigrants brought technologies from their respective homelands, practicing those skills or introducing motifs in their new homes.”

The inaugural Silk Road Festival will be held at the Vancouver Art Gallery, North Plaza on July 6 and 7, 2019.  The Silk Road, a contribution of many cultures, the world’s most iconic network of ancient trade routes that connected Asia, Europe and Africa.

The magnificent legacy of exchanges between East and West can be seen at the exquisite fashion exhibit, Guo Pei: Couture Beyond, which is currently on display at the Vancouver Art Gallery until January 20, 2019.

Support Charity

The Silk Road Festival is a social enterprise project developed in support of MOSAIC, an established B.C. based non-profit agency that delivers services and engages in community building and advocacy to facilitate meaningful participation of immigrants and refugees in Canadian society.

Support charity by volunteering your time to help those in need.  MOSAIC offers plenty of volunteer opportunities in over 20 languages.

Serve at a food bank, a soup kitchen or a shelter for abused kids and women. Visit hospitalized patients and offer them hope, love and strength.  Or simply help a senior rake their lawn or clear their snowy walkways.

If you decide to donate monetarily to a good cause or charity, Do Your Research First. Read the Little Black Book of Scams.   Check the Canada Revenue Agency website to see if the charity is registered.

Shop from charitable organizations such as the Ten Thousand Villages store and the Salvation Army thrift store where you can get some great finds.

Everything that comes in threes is perfect, or, every set of three is complete as encapsulated in the Latin phrase, omne trium perfectum.

In Chinese tradition, three is a lucky number as it sounds like the character that means life. The rule of three not only enriches your life but also those of others.

About Silk Road Festival

The Silk Road Festival ( is about Bridging Cultures, Engaging Communities and Inspiring Discoveries.  The festival aims to enhance intercultural appreciation and community interaction, inspire travel and technological discoveries with ancient Silk Road aspirations.  The two-day outdoor multicultural festival features cultures and exchanges between East and West on the world’s famed historic trade routes through arts, food, travel and technology.


For further information, contact
North America Asean Consultants Inc.

T: 604.676.8878    |


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